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Bach in Bethlehem

October 31st, 2017 |

Some Lehigh Valley residents may not know J.S. Bach’s music was performed for the very first time in this country in Bethlehem at Central Moravian Church, starting with the Mass in B Minor in 1900 and the Christmas Oratorio in 1901. Our very own Bach Choir of Bethlehem choir is honored to continue this tradition with the popular “Bach at Noon” series seven months a year in Central Moravian Church. A “musical and spiritual gift to the community,” the concerts are always offered at no cost and open to everyone.

The choir’s connection to Bach and his music is even more resonant this fall with the upcoming Gala concert at 4 pm on November 11, featuring THOMANERCHOR, Bach’s own Choir from Saint Thomas Church in Leipzig, Germany. More than 800 years old, this Choir was conducted by J. S. Bach and premiered many of his works. Come and be uplifted by this remarkable and exquisite choir of young voices.

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